January 10, 2011

 7:00 P.M.



The regular meeting of the Board of Education for the Hayes Center Public Schools District #43-0079 was held on Monday, January 10, 2011 in the Conference Room at the High School. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication and posting in accordance with the Board policy of giving notice of such meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all Board members.

President Large called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. and presided over the Oath of Office.

OATH OF OFFICE: Joe Anderjaska, Marian Richards, Randy Richter and Bob Rosno took the Oath of Office.

President Large then asked for the roll call with Superintendent Ron Howard and Board members Joe Anderjaska, Kevin Large, Kris Kressin, Marian Richards, Randy Richter, and Bob Rosno present. Mr. Hof was absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.

RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Brian and Jessica McKinney were present wishing to address the Board.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Anderjaska moved, seconded by Richards that we retain the slate of officers as they stand. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large. Voting no: Richter. Motion passed 5-1.

The Open Meetings Law Poster was on display and recognized by President Large.

ADDITION TO AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Anderjaska moved, seconded by Kressin to approve the agenda as amended by moving Action Item #6 Superintendent Renewal to item #9 Executive Session and to combine Board Member Requests with Audience Communications. Voting yes: Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Rosno. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.


BOARD MEMBER/COMMITTEE REPORTS/REQUESTS AND AUDIENCE COMMUNICATIONS: The County Zoning Committee would like a Board member or Administrator to represent the Board at their meetings. Mr. Howard agreed to represent the district.  Mr. Howard reminded the Board of the January 26 workshop in North Platte; Large and Richards will be attending. The Board Retreat date will be set at a meeting later this spring.

The McKinneys presented the Board with their concerns about the state regulations for Pre-school/Kindergarten age and how the district is handling the situation. They have two children that are affected by the regulation (one this year and one next year) which does not allow them to attend the Pre-school program the second semester because they turn five before October 15. They would like to see some options offered that would allow for a transitional type program so the children would be able to attend some type of formal program the semester before they begin kindergarten. Mr. Howard explained that it was handled differently in the past because there were no real consequences for the district but the way he understands it, if the district were to allow a child in this situation to attend pre-school the district could lose all state aid along with a 90 day prison sentence for the Administrator and a $500 fine. The option that is available would be for the child to attend kindergarten the spring semester and re-enroll in kindergarten next fall. There were possible options that were discussed- with the Board directing Mr. Howard to check them out along with the costs associated with those options and to bring a report back to the board.

CORRESPONDENCE-The Board received Thank You notes from Kathy Barent, Joyce Richter, Peggy Pruter, Ann Fornoff and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Seger for the Christmas party and bonus.

There was also discussion on the length of the Board minutes in the newspaper. Kressin has concerns about the cost of putting the minutes in the paper because of the amount of detail and that the length could be shortened quite a bit without harming the integrity of the minutes. Anderjaska would like to see more detailed minutes so the public would know by reading the minutes exactly what went on at the meeting. This will be an agenda item at the February meeting. 


SUPERINTENDENT REPORT-DISCUSS FEBRUARY 9th  TEACHER IN SERVICE: There will be a program related to professional development along with training for the use of the new smart boards, document cameras and the new computer software program. INFORMATION ON CAPITAL EXPENDITURE LIST PURCHASES- Mr. Howard gave the board a list of the capital expenditure purchases to date. These capital expenditures pertain to the priority list that was developed in November and approved at the December board meeting. We have purchased the additional five cafeteria tables, the cafeteria stove, the four smart boards, one for the high school, one for the junior high and two for the elementary, we have purchased and will begin the installment of the ceiling projector mounts and the wiring for the projectors that were purchased last year but never installed for each classroom. We have purchased and will start installing projector screens in the high school. We purchased the district wide computer software program that Mr. Warren presented to the board in November. The district has purchased 37 LCD monitors for the computer labs throughout the district and we are in the process of replacing approximately 7 teacher desktops. We have purchased the software program for the board and Mrs. Bishop for negotiation purposes and we have purchased two document cameras and portable carts, to be used in the elementary.

The Board had requested an explanation of where the district has appropriated funds received from both the state and the federal ARRA funding for the current school year. REAP(Rural Education) funds-the district was allocated $6,100 for supplies and has spent $5,700 on a gym security gate, two automated locks, Drug Free week supplies and security cameras. ARRA funds-the district was allocated approximately $28,000 for supplies and has spent $18,000 for document cameras, LCD screens, cafeteria stove and tables, miscellaneous classroom supplies and student graphing calculators. POVERTY fund- The district was allocated approximately $23,000 for supplies and we have spent $11,000 on Smart boards, ceiling projector mounts, wiring brackets etc. These funds can only be used in specific areas and are lost if not spent by the district. The district makes the initial purchase and is reimbursed from these funds.


ACTION ITEMS-CONSENT AGENDA: Kressin moved, seconded by Richter, to approve the consent agenda consisting of the approval of the minutes of the December 13, 2010 Regular Meeting, the amended December General Fund claims of $186,566.02, the December Depreciation Fund claim of $9,059.83 and the January General Fund claims in the amount of $181,911.20(Payroll-$139,018.17, Claims-$42,893.03). Voting yes: Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY FOR THE DISTRICT: Rosno moved, seconded by Kressin, that AmFirst Bank be the official depository of the district. Voting yes: Large, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

DESIGNATION OF METHOD OF PROVIDING PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETINGS: Anderjaska moved, seconded by Large, that the designation of method of providing public notice of meetings remained the same. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Kressin, Richards, Large. Voting no: Richter, Rosno. Motion passed 4-2.

COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno, that committee appointments remain the same. Anderjaska moved, seconded by Rosno, to amend the main motion with Anderjaska going to the Transportation Committee and Large moving to the Curriculum Committee. Voting yes: Richter, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

Kressin moved, seconded by Rosno that committee appointments remain the same as amended. Voting yes: Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large, Anderjaska, Richter. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.

An updated list of the Committee Appointments is available at the office.

APPOINT GOVERNMENT RELATION NETWORK REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE DISTRICT: Kressin moved, seconded by Anderjaska, to have Kevin Large as the Government Relation Network Representative for NASB. Voting yes: Rosno, Richards, Anderjaska, Richter, Kressin. Voting no:  none. Abstaining: Large. Motion passed 5-0 with 1 abstention.

JUNIOR HIGH FOOTBALL/TRACK CO-OP WITH WAUNETA-PALISADE: Mr. Howard provided the board with the results of the survey that was sent to the parents regarding Jr. High football and track which was generally positive towards the co-op. He reported that Wauneta-Palisade cancelled their board meeting tonight due to the weather so they wouldn’t have any feedback until a later date. Anderjaska conveyed the results of a personal survey he did consisting of 15 parents/grandparents/taxpayers with and without students. The general consensus was that they weren’t in favor of the co-op with the travel-time factor and cost being the greatest concerns. He felt the district would be ahead to offer a quality physical education program for the kids here in Hayes Center.

            Rosno moved, seconded by Kressin, to direct the administration to pursue a co-op agreement with Wauneta-Palisade for Jr. High football for the 2011-12 school year. Anderjaska moved, seconded by Richards to table the previous motion. Voting yes: Large, Anderjaska, Richards. Voting no: Richter, Kressin, Rosno. Motion failed 3-3.

            Rosno moved, seconded by Kressin, to direct the administration to pursue a co-op agreement with Wauneta-Palisade for Jr. High football for the 2011-12 school year. Voting yes: Large, Richter, Kressin, Rosno. Voting no: Richards, Anderjaska. Motion passed 4-2.

VEHICLE BIDS: Several dealers were contacted for vehicle bids on new and used suburbans and a used car. Two had not submitted bids yet. Mr. Howard recommended waiting another month to get bids from the other dealers. He was also directed to check costs on ¾ ton suburbans.

DISCUSSION: EARLY RETIREMENT POLICY: Mr. Howard reminded the board that they need to decide if they will offer an early retirement option. If so, it will need to be on the February agenda.

INFORMATION ONLY: Mr. Howard provided the board with the itinerary for the FFA trip to the Stock Show.


The board took a short recess.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board invited Mr. Howard to join them in Executive Session. President Large declared the Board in Executive Session at 9:56 P.M. to discuss personnel and administrative contracts. He repeated, as required, that the only items that would be discussed in Executive Session would be personnel and administrative contracts.

The board came out of Executive Session at 11:20 P.M.

            Anderjaska moved, seconded by Large, to offer Ron Howard a contract at $90,000. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Kressin, Rosno, Richards, Large. Voting no: Richter. Motion passed 5-1.

President Large adjourned the meeting at 11:25 P.M.


The next regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, February 14, 2011, at 7:00 P.M., in the High School Conference Room.


______________________________________        _____________________________________

President                                                                      Secretary